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"Comments" on the AngryOrthopod


I have a few comments on AO comments...whatever?!?!??

We just worked feverishly to move the website to a new (new to us) web design tool, yay. You might not notice any difference in the look, but the comments imported in from the old website are sort of funky. The comments at end of each post from the previous host site could not be transferred correctly. Here's what you need to know:

  • Same as before, the comments and my reply answers/comments are a great source of information.  Your comments are always spot on and a source of inspiration to me. Many of my replies are essentially blog post in and of themselves.

  • So, here is what we had to do. All the old comments from the previous host are transferred into the new comments section of each blog as a single comment along with my replies. This whole work around made me angry, but hey, it was the best we could do. I am adamant that this important information not be lost.

  • New comments and my replies on the new site will work just like normal- you comment, I reply, usually.

  • As a weird side note there was a period of time of several months around 2020-2021 where I received many great comments and questions, but for some reason the email alerts were not being sent to me. Dumb me just thought y'all had forgotten about me. There were about 180 comments that never got answered because the and I apologize for that these never got posted or had a reply. . Guess what, that also made me angry and I apologize it happened.

  • Going forward I will be answering comments in a timely fashion, at least that's the plan.

Finally, please contact me at if there is a foot and ankle related subject matter you would like me to blog on.

Keep moving, my friends,


1 comentario

Jo l
06 ene

Thank you for your blog. I've been directing people to your calf stretching since 2017. I just looked again tonight and the link to download the full guide is broken on my android phone. Is there anywhere else to find it? I tried the link in the highway post from 2016. Thanks Jo

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