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Angryorthopod Blog

Instructions for use: read, learn, question, comment, make me angry, request, repeat.


I am a board certified orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon with 30 years of experience and I am a bit cynical about medicine today. Actually I am a lot cynical. My mission is to challenge the status quo and in the process help as many people as possible.
You will see no advertising on the AO site. I do this for free and if you like what you find here all I ask is that you tell as many friends, strangers and family as you can, any way you can.

Of note, many of my blog comment responses are very detailed and in essence a blog themselves. So, please use the search function if you can’t find what you are looking for in a blog.


Search Angry Orthopod . . . I dare ya!

Keywords for Dummies


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